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Industrial Incubators

Bacteriological Lab Incubator - (SILBLI-01)

Double walled construction inner chamber made of Mild Steel /St.Steel and exterior G.I. Sheets powder coated. The gap between the two walls filled with glass wool insulation. Inner glass door and exterior metal door with magnetic gasket & lock. Supplied with G.I. wiremesh shelves.
Temperature Controlled by thermostat or by electronic digital temp controller cum indicator.Temperature Range : 37 °C to 60°C. accuracy ± 1°C

Chamber size No of Shelves
12" x 12" x 12" 2
14" x 14" x 14" 2
18" x 18" x 18" 3
18" x 18" x 24" 4
24" x 24" x 24" 4
24" x 24" x 36" 5

Optional Accessories
  • Forced Air circulating system with fan for better uniformity of Temperature
  • S.S wiremesh shelves
  • Electronic digital timer range 0 to 999 minutes
  • RS 485 for PC communication with Software Meta-Logger
  • Single Channel Data logger with printing arrangement

Incubator Cum Oven - (SILICO-02)

Double walled construction inner chamber made of mild steel/ st. steel & exterior made of G.I. sheets powder coated. The gap between the two walls filled with glass-wool insulation.
Temperature controlled by thermostat or by digital temperature indicator. Temp range: 5°c above ambient to 100°c.
Chamber size : 12" x 12" x 12"
14" x 14" x 14"

Bacteriological Incubator (Memmert Type ) - (SILBIM-03)

Triple walled in construction inner chamber made of Mild Steel/ St. Steel and exterior made of G.I Sheets Powder coated. The gap between the two walls filled with glass wool insulation. Heating elements fitted on the two side of the incubator. A forced Air Circulating System with fan for better uniformity of temperature. Inner glass door and exterior metal door with magnetic gasket and lock.
Temperature Controlled by Electronic Digital Temp. Controller cum indicator.Temp Range : 5°C above ambient to 60°C.

Chamber size No of Shelves
12" x 12" x 12" 2
14" x 14" x 14" 2
18" x 18" x 18" 3
18" x 18" x 24" 4
24" x 24" x 24" 4
24" x 24" x 36" 5

Optional Accessories
  • Electronic Digital Timer Range 0 to 999 minutes
  • S.S wiremesh shelves
  • Single Channel Data Logger with printing arrangement
  • RS 485 for PC communication with software Meta - Logger

Bacteriological Lab Incubator (GMP Model) - (SILBIG-04)

Double walled construction fully made of St. Steel. The gap between the two walls filled with glass wool insulation. Supplied with S.S. wire mesh shelves.
Temperature controlled by Microprocessor based Digital Temp Controller with PT 100 as sensor & safety thermostat.Temp Range : 5°C above ambient to 60°C accuracy ±0.5°C

Chamber sizeNo of Shelves
14" x 14" x 14"2
18" x 18" x 18"3
18" x 18" x 24"4
24" x 24" x 24"4
24" x 24" x 36"5

Optional Accessories
  • Forced Air circulating system with fan for better uniformity of Temperature
  • Electronic Digital Timer Range 0 to 999 minutes
  • RS 485 for PC communication with Software Meta Logger
  • Single Channel Data logger with printing arrangement

B.O.D.Incubator - (SILBOD-05)

Double walled construction inner chamber made of st. Steel and exterior made of G. I. Sheets powder coated. The gap between the two walls filled with glass wool insulation . Cooling is by hermetically sealed compressors with CFC free refrigerant. Supplied with S. S shelves.
Temperature controlled by microprocessor based digital temp controller with sensor. Temperature range : 5°C to 60°C. accuracy ±0. 5°C

CapacityInternal Dimensions(W x D x H)
1.5 Cu ft     45 ltr35 x 35 x 35 cms
3.0 Cu ft     90 ltr45 x 40 x 50 cms
6.0 Cu ft     170 ltr50 x 50 x 70 cms
10.0 Cu ft     280 ltr55 x 55 x 90 cms
12.0 Cu ft     330 ltr60 x 60 x 90 cms

Optional Accessories
  • Illumination by fluorescent tube
  • Cyclic Digital Timer for fluorescent tube
  • Rs 485 interface PC communication with Software Meta - Logger
  • Single Channel Data logger with printing arrangement

B.O.D Incubator (GMP Model) - (SILBODG-06)

Double walled construction fully made of St. Steel inner mirror finished & exterior matte finished . The gap between the two walls filled with glass wool insulation. Cooling is by hermetically sealed compressors with CFC free refrigerant. Supplied with S.S shelves.
Temperature Controlled by Microprocessor based Digital Temp Controller with sensor.Temperature Range : 5°C to 60°C. accuracy ±0.5°C

Capacity Internal Dimensions(W x D x H)
3.0 Cu ft 90 ltr 45 x 40 x 50 cms
6.0 Cu ft 170 ltr 50 x 50 x 70 cms
10.0 Cu ft 280 ltr 55 x 55 x 90 cms
12.0 Cu ft 330 ltr 60 x 60 x 90 cms

Optional Accessories
  • Illumination by fluorescent tube 3 Nos
  • Cyclic Digital Timer for fluorescent tube
  • Rs 485 PC communication with Software Meta Logger
  • Single Channel Data logger with printing arrangement

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